January flew by, just and February seems to be going at the same pace! The highlight of the month was our trip to California...but it went by so fast and we were so busy most of the time we missed out on seeing a lot of friends we wished we could have! Our apologies. But, we are doing all we can to get moved there ASAP...and with real estate prices the way they are we are very excited about the great deal we know we're going to get on a home ;)
On the plane ride I had the good fortune to knit without distractions and work on this little guy:
Other than our trip, life has been pretty uneventful. We work...come home...and play with our cats...
Hey! SO I agree we really need to get together anc catch up, before you leave me! Where are you living? I knew once and now I cen't remember.
HAHAHAH!!! I love that Tai is so into the cats! That is just hilarious!!
THAT BEAR IS ADORABLE!!! I'm headed to your Etsy shop right now to check it out!!! :)
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